Vandenberg Air Force Base AIR SHOW, Page 3
November 2, 2002

All photos copyright ©2002 Douglas J. Malewicki

Robosaurus starts stalking some prey!
Robo spots a Russian Missile and bends down to grab it.
Robo lifts the missile way up in the air.
Getting ready to bite the missile in half.
Burning the Russian rocket.
Wrecked and thrown to the ground.
Off to stalk more prey!

Robosaurus drove some two blocks along the flight line so more spectators can get a good look at the huge beast. 

At the far end of the flight line was a US Air Force missile mockup that Robosaurus also was intent to destroy. (It was Vandenberg's publicity people that came up with this "Arms Reduction" scenario idea - one Russian and one American.)

This time Robo first bit right into the missile and lifted it up in his mouth.

(Pilot Mark Hays and passenger Tammy Haley are in fixed seats that rotate with the head.  In this photo they are tilted 45 degrees down inside the head and being pushed hard into their retraining harnesses.)

MMM!  Tastes good like rocket propellant should!
A burned hulk is all that remains.
Dang!  Robo just dropped half of the rocket to the ground and I missed the shot.  The bottom has two more feet to fall until it smashes into the concrete.  Would have been a great photo if I was back another 15 feet.
Hah!  The nose cone and front of the missile are still in Robo's mouth!

Robo is munching and wiggling his ears at the same time for the audience.

Next Robosaurus spots his main meal of the day - a car!  Robo spins half way around and drives towards this new prey.

Robo Intro - Air Show page 1- Air Show page 2- Air Show page 3- Air Show page 4